Dungeon Master - we'd very much like to look at your savegame as we haven't seen this before. The following might seem a bit impressive in terms of steps to take, but there's a chance that we can help you out and consequently others if you could provide us with a save-game. But before going through the entire list, is this your first or second playthrough ?

Here's how to get us a savegame:

1. you need a USB stick

2. You need to have the latest Xbox360 dashboard update

3. copy the profile and the save game to the USB stick

a. go to system setting
b. go to memory
c. select USB storage drive
d. select configure now
e. go to system setting
f. go to memory
g. Select all devices
h. Select gamer profiles
i. Select the game profile you use for Div2 DKS
j. Select move (WARNING Don't forget that you'll need to move it back afterwards!!!)
k. Select memory unit
l. Press back until you are at all devices screen again
m. Select games
n. Select Divinity II DKS
o. Select the save game that is problematic
p. Select copy
q. Select memory unit
r. Remove the USB stick

4. Install a 3rd party software: http://halo.gruntmods.com/Files/Xtaf_Release_Gui_.rar

5. . insert usb stick in pc
a. run program
b. select file
c. select open drive
d. in the file system view you should have a folder named Data Partition now.
e. open that and right click on the content folder and select extract.
f. save the content folder to your drive
g. rar/zip it and mail it to support@larian.com
6. Move back your profile from the USB stick afterwards to the Xbox360!!!
a. go to system setting
b. go to memory
c. select USB storage drive
d. Select gamer profiles
e. Select the game profile you use for Div2 DKS
f. Select move
g. Select hard drive

Thanks in advance