Background and setup:
My 4-player party ran into several roadblocks in a campaign because no-one selected the "Scholar" tag. We couldn't recruit an NPC at that late stage of the game and couldn't figure out how to gracefully kick a player char out of the party to hire a mercenary. We almost gave up the game until we figured out how to modify a save-file to change character tags.
Here are instructions for using the Norbytes GR2 Converter application and a text editor to modify a Divinity Original Sin 2 (DoS:2) saved game file to add the “Scholar” tag to a character that does not have it. I used GR2 Converter version LSLib v.1.8.6. For the text editor, I used the editor that comes with Gnu Octave. The instructions are for DoS:2 on a Win10 machine. The name of the character that will get the tag is “Robert LReaver”. He currently has the “Noble” tag, and I’m going to change it to “Scholar” (note: I have also just added the “Scholar” tag rather than replacing it, and that seems to work, too). My DoS:2 profile name is “drwargame”.
I have Word/PDF versions of these instructions with screenshots, but I couldn't figure an easy way to add them to the forum post (sorry about that).
1) Save a game from DoS:2. I used “Cmp_Mod” for the name of my saved game.
2) Go to the folder with the saved game. On my system, the path is:
C:\Users\brien\Documents\Larian Studios\Divinity Original Sin 2\PlayerProfiles\drwargame\Savegames\Story\Cmp_Mod
3) Create a subfolder called “Backup”, and copy the files in the .\Cmp_Mod folder to the backup folder. There should be two files: Cmp_Mod.lsv, Cmp_Mod.png. We’ll be converting the .lsv file to binary file and then to an XML file, editing it with a text editor, and recreating a new binary file, and finally a new .lsv file.
4) Run the GR2 Converter application (that is, run ConverterApp.exe).
5) At the top of the app should be a pull-down menu called “Game”. Pull-down and select “Divinity: Original Sin 2 (64-bit)”.
6) Select the “PAK/LSV Tools” tab. Use the “Package Path” … button to navigate to Cmp_mod.lsv, and use the “Destination” … button to navigate to the .\Cmp_Mod folder. Click “Extract Package”. This will create two new files: globals.lsf, meta.lsf
7) Navigate to the .\Cmp_Mod folder and delete cmp_mod.lsv and cmp_mod.png. We’ll be creating new ones, and the old ones are already backed-up per step 3. You’ll get an error message later if you skip this step.
8) Select the “LSX/LSB/LSF/LSJ Tools” tab. Use the “Input file path” … button to navigate to the .\Cmp_Mod\globals.lsf file. Copy the contents of the “Input file path” to the “Output file path”, and change the file extension “.lsf” to “.lsx”. Toward the bottom of the tab you will see a pull-down menu for “Input format”, make sure “LSF (binary) file” is selected. You will also see a pull-down menu for “Output format”, make sure “LSX (XML) file” is selected. Click the top-most “Convert” button (not the one at the bottom of the screen, which is probably for batch processing).
9) The XML file .\Cmp_Mod\global.lsx should have been created. Open it with a text editor.
10) Search for the name of your character, “Robert LReaver”. You will likely find several instances. You want to navigate to the first instance that is a few lines below ‘<node id="PlayerCustomData">’. For me, that is the first instance when searching from the top of the file.
11) Next, search for the first instance of “Noble” below your character name.
12) Replace “NOBLE” with “SCHOLAR” in the text file, save it, and close it.
13) Delete the file .\Cmp_Mod\globals.lsf. We are going to overwrite it in the next step by converting the XML file you edited to a binary file.
14) Go back to the GR2 Converter app, and the “LSX/LSB/LSF/LSJ” tab. Navigate to .\Cmp_Mod\globals.lsx for the input file, and .\Cmp_Mod\global.lsf for the output file. Also, at the bottom of the screen, select “LSX (XML) file” for the input format and select “LSF (binary) file” for the output format. Note that this is the reverse of the filenames and formats from step 8. Click the top-most “Convert” button. (Note: if you omitted step 13, you’ll get an error message because it cannot overwrite the existing .lsf file).
15) Go to the “PAK/LSV Tools” tab. If you have kept the GR2 Converter app open the entire time then you won’t need to change anything. Otherwise, set up the tab exactly as in step 6. Click “Create Package”. (Note: if you omitted step 7 you’ll get an error message because the original Cmp_Mod.lsv file cannot be overwritten). You should now have a new .\Cmp_Mod\Cmp_Mod.lsv file.
16) Open DoS:2, load the “Cmp_Mod” game, and verify that your character no longer has the “Noble” tag but instead has the “Scholar” tag. You shouldn’t get any warning or error messages when loading the save file.