I hadn't read about this one. Posting it here to see if others have encountered it.

I'm on PC and running at medium graphics level. Everything looks good and runs smooth so far. I was playing and noticed suddenly that I could no longer click to select dialog choices. The cursor was still there, but clicking did nothing. I was able to choose dialog using the number buttons, so I played on. I found a shrine and examined it by pressing "e." Then I could not get out of the examination window. Nothing I clicked did anything, and no button presses could get me back to the game. I couldn't get out to save my progress. Very annoying.

A reload fixed the issue. Has anyone else encountered this? This would really suck if I had been playing a while killing and collecting things without talking to anyone to discover the glitch. Could mean a lot of unsaved progress, as there'd be no way to make a save.